Pixel Icons for Windows

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160 vibrant pixel art Icons perfect for your windows PC! Note: although they are 16x16px, they have been exported to 64x64px to improve visibility when viewing in file explorer. All icons are already in the .ico format and packed into an organized zip file, ready to use!

This set of Icons contains:

28 basic system Icons (desktop, files, web browsers, etc.)

25 game Icons (18 different games with the rest being variants)

13 messaging/social media Icons

36 tool based application Icons (art, audio, video, etc.)

58 miscellaneous Icons (animals, objects, symbols, etc.)

If there isn't an icon or two that you're looking for, or you have any questions, feel free to contact me at guppiefishiefun@gmail.com to make a request! (please note that I may not get to it right away as they are requests and not commissions, and purchasing this pack does not entitle the buyer to more art than what is included)

Please do not distribute this file. This item is intended for personal use only.

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Last updated Jan 9, 2024

160 vibrant pixel art Icons perfect for your windows PC!

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Pixel Icons for Windows

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